YOUNGVOICES for social inclusion!
Gypsy women in Europe continue to suffer a triple exclusion: as women, as a gypsy and for not having access to a higher level of education. Specifically, for the youth field, Roma young people today suffer from a situation of inequality compared to non-Roma young people, generally reflected in the unemployment rates and the level of education of both groups (Sánchez-Aroca, 2005).
When it comes to education, on average only one in two Roma children surveyed attends preschool or nursery school (FRA, 2012), representing a big difference compared to the non-Roma community.
During compulsory school in Europe, it is evident that 9 out of every 10 Roma children between 7 and 15 attend school, with the exception of the following countries: Bulgaria, Greece and Romania, where this amount decreases. This fact is especially important for this project, since the partner organizations are working precisely in these countries where it is more necessary to take political and social measures.
Given this context, the objectives of the project are:
- Contribute to the increase in social inclusion of young Roma women based in Europe, based on the creation of an equal dialogue space where they can learn about best practices and discuss how to overcome barriers.
- Promote the creation of networks among young Roma women from the most diverse European neighborhoods.
- Contribute to the improvement of public service actions aimed at the empowerment of young Roma women and the promotion of quality youth work.
- Increase in the political impact of Roma girls through recommendations to the main stakeholders.

The need to involve young Roma women in the social and political sphere, especially to gain representation in the design and implementation of social and political measures that affect them, since social participation is itself a first step along the way towards social inclusion. However, the most observable and detected need is the high rate of early abandonment and unemployment rates among this group of young people, which complicates their inclusion in society, and has a negative impact on their living conditions related to issues such as home economics, medical care, housing, etc.
After the European survey, only 15% of young Roma adults have completed general or vocational education in upper secondary education. This shows the relevance of the objectives of YOUNG VOICES when it comes to including the opinion of young Roma women based, since 85% of Roma young adults do not have a university degree and their voices must be considered in some way to define policies audiences aimed at increasing their social inclusion.
Period: 2017-2019
Contact the coordination:
Drom Kotar Mestipen
933 04 30 00